Austrian Audio’s official brand and product launch date will be April 2nd, 2019 at the very same ProLight + Sound event to which we all flock every year.
We invite everyone that loves exceptionally engineered audio products to visit our stand for the full brand launch and debut of our first series of professional microphones. We will also quite likely show (if the Product Manager doesn’t kill the Marketing Guy first) where we’re headed in regards to headphones. We’ll also give live demonstrations of our first shipping product; the Aurora High-Volume & High-Precision automated testing system.
You’ll be able to hear, with your very own ears, the first microphones & capsules that have been made in Vienna, one at a time, in quite some time.
There will probably be some kind of giveaways too, so swing by and we’ll greet you with a smile and warm „Servus!“ and pick up a little (or possibly big) something on the house.